If the funds are not available in your checking account, but you have funds available through overdraft protection or EECU's Platinum Overdraft service, the payment will be processed using these funds (there is a fee for using the Platinum Overdraft service).
If there are not enough funds available and it is an electronic payment, the payment will still be processed by our Bill Pay vendor to your payee and you will be assessed a non-sufficient funds fee. You will be notified by email that your Bill Pay profile has been temporarily restricted, and a message will appear on the Bill Pay screen within your Online Access. Our Bill Pay vendor will make two (2) additional attempts to recover the amount of the payment from your account, and then they will try to contact you directly to arrange repayment. If you have questions, please contact our Member Service Center at 1-800-538-3328, or use the Chat Now feature when you are logged into your online account.
If the payment was sent by check and the funds are not available in your account to cover the item, you will be assessed a non-sufficient funds fee and you may need to reschedule your payment at a later date.
Please refer to our Schedule of Fees for the non-sufficient funds fee.